Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Mayor Adams, Please Consider Converting Rikers Island Jail Into A Wisdom Innovation Center

Identify with the mind and with it heal the brain.

use the Brain and Mind to Improve Each Other.

An image of the brain and mind observing each other. Showing how to measure wisdom by measuring the self-image level.

Showing 1) How to measure the four levels of wisdom. 2) How to use the brain and mind to improve each other. How the self-image determines wisdom.

Brain education is about actualizing your full emotional health power.

Wisdom education is brain cleaning education.

Unless the fundamental cause of crime is addressed, addressing its symptoms is like trying to manage and control the heat and smoke while the fire keeps burning

Every jail needs to be converted into a Wisdom Innovation Center. Mayor Adams can start with Rikers Island. It will be the first step for transforming America into an emotional health superpower.”
— Sajid Khan

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK, USA, February 21, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Crime is defined as evil, and those who break the law are labeled criminals. They are mistreated in jail.

There is a simple solution to solving the Rikers Island Jail disaster. We need to start by defining crime by its true nature. Crime is not evil behavior; it is emotionally challenged behavior. The so-called criminals are not evil, and they are emotionally sick. They do not need to be punished. They need to be put through emotional health therapy. 

At the 4th R Foundation, we have identified the single fundamental factor that leads to criminal nee emotionally challenged behavior. Through upbringing, we create roughly four levels of self-images as follows:

1) Premature (fetus level) self-image. (-2).

This level creates hardened lawbreakers. This level represents dictators, murders, rapists, etc. This level of self-image considers itself as above the law and everyone else as below the law. This is the only level that deserves to be kept in jail forever. 

2) Immature (child level) self-image. (-1). This level creates corrupt and opportunistic self-images. Whole countries are at this level. This self-image considers itself as deserving of a much better life. So it tries to get better by hook or by crook. 

3) Mature (adult level) self-image. (+1). This level creates an egoistic self-image. It results in mishandling hard-earned money as behavior is controlled by the inflated ego. And it is even driven to fraud. 

4) Super Mature (guru level) self-image. (+2). This level is selfless. It treats all as equal. It is gentle and kind and tries to help all, even beyond family. 

Every jail has mental health facilities, so what is different about Wisdom Innovation Centers? The current system addresses mental health while ignoring most inmates' emotional health issues. There is a massive problem with our understanding of traditional mental health. Please consider the following questions:

Infrastructure, education, inventions, civilization is all improving, so why are the social ills as bad as ever?

There are 44.000 books on happiness and wisdom, then why are these still almost impossible to teach?

Why do you think 50% of Americans have difficulty making ends meet?

Our experts lump the brain and mind as the single entity of the mind when these are two separate entities. Thus all attention is focused on mind education while brain education is not only ignored; the brain is miseducated. Cutting-edge mind education generates improved infrastructure, while messed up brain education creates emotionally challenged brains.

Since ever our emotional health has remained unhealthy. Will our experts ever define the mind & brain as two separate entities? So we can pay equal attention to emotional health through brain health. 

While jails focus on healing the mind, we will focus on healing the brain. 

Every lawbreaker has an emotionally challenged self-image and needs our own designed 'Self-Image Therapy.' We retune the brain to project a +2 self-image.

People are trapped into behaving according to the level of their self-image. We must realize that parents, teachers, and social norms create the self-image. Society, by and large, is responsible for its citizen's behavior, good and bad. 

We need mandatory upbringing standards, along with upbringing testing and a mandatory upbringing manual. We need to create an emotional health/upbringing industry. We need to create a new profession of upbringing inspectors and coaches for the young and brain healers for the rest.

Most suffer from low self-esteem or phony overconfidence. Both need emotional health therapy. 

Many lack the professional expertise to be able to be financially independent. All those lacking professional expertise must choose to learn a trade. Even open a music, art, and film studio for those who have the ambition and talent to become artists. Set up sports competitions. 

Many have come from unloving homes. Let them feel loved and respected. 

Many are there because society has wronged them, and it is not the other way around. Treat them as prodigal children.

It is sad and frustrating that every forum is ignoring and, even worse, is unaware of the emotional health crisis that the world is trapped in. Imagine Microsoft Foundation spends billions of dollars a year on health, yet even their agenda has zero provision for emotional health! No wonder the so-called normal society is subnormal. Just imagine the difference Mayor Adams will make when he takes steps to change the world from subnormal to supernormal.

Emotional health is the foundation of wisdom, intelligence, education, social standards, happiness, peace, sanity, prosperity, health, etc. It is the power behind every sector of life. Yet even an institution like the Nobel Prize Team has ignored emotional health. Why has there not been a single lecture on emotional health by them?

Just imagine if our great country establishes Wisdom/Emotional Health/Brain/Well-Being Hospitals and Departments all over.

We want to explain that wisdom is a tree whose attributes are the fruit. At every forum, the brilliant innovative thought leaders all promote one or more attributes of wisdom. They try to create fruit instead of cultivating the wisdom tree. It is the same story at the UN, Nobel Prize, Davos, etc.

Again at every forum, the experts try to change the mindset. The mind is a fragrance of the brain. To change the mind, the brain has to be changed/healed. There are 40,000 books on happiness, yet not one teaches pure happiness. All these books teach the mind happiness, but what can the mind do when the brain is wired to generate unhappiness? So what we need is to change the Brainset! One of the benefits of this idea is that Mindfulness is a 55 billion dollar industry. Mayor Adams can create an equally powerful Brainfulness industry.


Here is our Wisdom 3.0 formula with its trillion-dollar and priceless applications.


Here is our ebook:


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There are 40,000 books on wisdom, and none makes wisdom clearer. Here is my three-minute song that explains wisdom:


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