Sunday, December 6, 2015

Best Friends Whenever "The Girls of Christmas Past" Airs TONIGHT, December 6th

Fans of the Disney Channel series 'Best Friends Whenever' will be able to watch, enjoy an all new episode, holiday themed, tonight, Sunday, December 6th, 2015 at 8:30pm ET/PT entitled "The Girls of Christmas Past".

Things spin out of control when Cyd travels back to Christmas the year before to try and figure out the perfect gift for Shelby. Meanwhile, Barry and Naldo's Winter Wonderland experiment sparks an elf war, with Bret and Chet leading the charge.

'Best Friends Whenever' stars Lauren Taylor, Landry Bender, Gus Kamp, Ricky Garcia, Madison Hu, Benjamin Royer and Matthew Royer.
Photos are credited to Disney Channel.

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