Thursday, June 2, 2022

Ronn Torossian on the Benefits of Virtual Teams

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA, June 1, 2022 / -- Virtual teams consist of people who work from different geographical locations. The pandemic was a key event which forced an increase in virtual work; now, virtual teams have become second nature. With the increased need for people to work from home, due to the pandemic, people in different organizations have been thrust into working remotely. According to a survey, 50% of companies have 81% of their employees working remotely. Having virtual teams is becoming the new norm. Organizations are now reimagining traditional ways of working. Given below are the benefits of virtual teams.

Extended business hours

According to Ronn Torossian, when a business has virtual teams, it can hire from

all across the globe. When employees belong to different time zones, there can be teams that work on different time schedules. This leads to continuous availability of employees at all times. Planning the schedules of virtual teams across the globe will lead to a work culture where the employees of the organization are always available, and for that no employee has to work extra hours. The output of such teams can be monumental. The collaborative efforts of the team never need to stop, which will keep them ahead of schedule.

Rise in productivity

The productivity of virtual teams doesn’t happen by accident. If a large virtual team is divided into smaller teams, the smaller teams can deal with specific tasks. Smaller teams result in better and more effective communication as that is important with reduced face-to-face contact. With travel time being out of the way for workers on virtual teams, they can utilize the time for more productivity.

Increased employee retention rates

Majority of workers in virtual teams report that they are happy with the option to work from home. Although remote working gives people a sense of freedom and flexibility, some people still feel a sense of isolation. This can be avoided by forming groups within the organization for regular social connection. When employees get to enjoy a better sense of work-life balance, chances of them wanting to stick around at a particular job are more. This helps to increase employee retention rates.

Helps to reduce environmental impact

Lesser commuters to work result in lower greenhouse emissions. Fewer employees need to leave their homes for a day’s work, which means fewer cars will be on the road. Sending documents digitally during virtual meetings also results in saving paper. Google Docs also helps people to collaborate without using paper. A considerable amount of food that companies provide during meetings go uneaten. Video conferences cut back on food waste.


The cost of running a physical office can be exorbitant. A traditional office structure requires rent and maintenance. Then there are utilities like running water, electricity, internet connection, coffee machines, and much more. There is also the need for equipment like furniture and different devices. Some organizations also bear the transport cost of employees. A majority of these expenses become unnecessary in remote working environments. The money saved can be repurposed and invested. The money saved can also be spent on promotions to increase the awareness of an organization.

Ronn Torossian founded 5WPR.

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