Monday, June 6, 2022

Angellyh Yambo’s school to march in the South Bronx against gun violence – on Wed, June 8

Students holding protest and march signs to remember their murdered classmate

U Prep Students preparing to stand up for Angellyh next Wednesday

Students, families, Congress members, city leaders, and Angellyh's mother will mark two months since Angellyh's murder with a march against gun violence

No student should fear walking to or from their school. We're going to stand with Angellyh's family on June 8th to remind everyone that until our students are safe we aren't going to be quiet.”
— Andrea d'Amato

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, US, June 3, 2022 / -- On April 8, University Prep High School freshman Angellyh Yambo was shot and killed on her way home from school, just three blocks from the school's campus in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the South Bronx. Two other high school students from a neighboring school were also injured.

This coming Wednesday, June 8, at 10:30 am — exactly two months after Angellyh’s murder — U Prep middle and

high school students, along with other schools’ students and staff and community members, will march together to honor Angellyh and the countless other students across our borough, city, and country who have faced tragedies due to gun violence.

We also march and join our voices to protest the unacceptably high levels of gun violence in our community and to promote gun control and safe-corridor legislation.

The march will begin at U Prep High School — located at 600 St. Ann’s Avenue – St. Ann’s Avenue and East 149th Street — and continue past many other schools in our community. See the march route here.

Angellyh’s mother and family, Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY-15), and Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson — along with many other community and city leaders and activists — will walk alongside our students and their families.

We invite all members of the community and schools in Mott Haven, the Bronx, and New York City to join us in our fight for justice and for stricter gun laws.

"No student should fear walking to or from their school regardless of where they live in this country," says Andrea d'Amato, the executive director of University Prep Public Schools. "Right now, for our school, that isn't true. We're going to stand with Angellyh's family and city, state, and national leaders on June 8th to remind everyone that until our students are safe we aren't going to be quiet."

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