Thursday, February 6, 2014

CVS Caremark To Discontinue The Sale of Tobacco Products

Statement of Jeff Seyler, American Lung Association of the Northeast President & CEO

The American Lung Association of the Northeast applauds today’s announcement by CVS Caremark to discontinue the sale of tobacco products at all CVS / Pharmacy locations beginning October 1, 2014. We strongly agree that stopping the sale of tobacco products at a business that is meant to promote wellness is in keeping with their central mission and the right move for healthier lungs and healthier families across our country.
We are especially gratified to see Rhode Island-based CVS Caremark become the first national pharmacy chain to make the decision to promote tools to help smokers quit instead of selling tobacco.  We call on all drugstores and pharmacy chains to follow suit and promptly stop selling tobacco products.
Our recent State of Tobacco Control 2014 report and the latest US Surgeon General’s report on smoking and health make clear that we must do more than the status quo if we are going to reverse the toll that tobacco takes on our country’s health.  Collaborations with companies like CVS Caremark who choose public health over profit will undoubtedly help decrease smoking rates and help smokers quit their deadly addiction.
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About the American Lung Association of the Northeast
The American Lung Association of the Northeast is part of the American Lung Association, the oldest voluntary health organization in the U.S. Established in 1904 to combat tuberculosis; our mission today is to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. The focus is on air quality, asthma, tobacco control, and all lung disease. The American Lung Association in the Northeast serves CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI and VT.

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